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[[Cyber-Physical_Systems_Laboratory | Current News]]
[[Cyber-Physical_Systems_Laboratory | Current News]]
==2018/2019 ==
* <span style="color:#008000"> '''[Paper]''' </span> [https://www.cse.wustl.edu/~lu/papers/health19.pdf  Feasibility Study of Monitoring Deterioration of Outpatients Using Multi-modal Data Collected by Wearables] [[https://health.acm.org/ HEALTH]]
* <span style="color:#B22222"> '''[News]''' </span> [https://www.abusayeedsaifullah.com/ Abusayeed Saifullah] became the 4th [http://engineering.wayne.edu/news/wayne-states-abusayeed-saifullah-earns-nsf-career-award-to-advance-low-power-wide-area-wireless-networks-36649 NSF CAREER Awardee] among CPSL alumni (7/2019)
* <span style="color:#008000"> '''[Paper]''' </span> [https://www.cse.wustl.edu/~lu/papers/icdcs19.pdf    FRAME: Fault Tolerant and Real-Time Messaging for Edge Computing] [[https://theory.utdallas.edu/ICDCS2019/ ICDCS'19]]
* <span style="color:#000000"> '''[Talk]''' </span> [https://cister.isep.ipp.pt/cpsweek2018/keynote#k2 Dependable Industrial Internet of Things] ([http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~lu/talks/cpsweek18_keynote.pdf Slides])[[https://cister.isep.ipp.pt/cpsweek2018/ Keynote at CPS Week 2018]]
* <span style="color:#E88E5A"> '''[Event]''' </span> Dr. Chenyang Lu served as General Chair of [http://www.ieee-icii.org/ the first IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet] ([http://www.ieee-icii.org/ ICII'18])
* <span style="color:#B22222"> '''[News]''' </span> Dr. Chenyang Lu served as Chair of [http://sites.ieee.org/tcrts/  IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems]
* <span style="color:#E88E5A"> '''[Event]''' </span> Dr. Chenyang Lu served as IoT Chair of [https://www.esweek.org/iot-day/about ACM Embedded Systems Week]
* <span style="color:#B22222"> '''[News]''' </span> Washington University in St. Louis atop [http://csrankings.org/#/fromyear/2007/toyear/2018/index?bed  the embedded and real-time systems area in the new CS Rankings]
* <span style="color:#E88E5A"> '''[Event]''' </span> Dr. Chenyang Lu served as General Chair of [http://conferences.computer.org/IoTDI/ ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation]([http://conferences.computer.org/IoTDI/  IoTDI'18])
== 2017 ==
== 2017 ==

Revision as of 15:49, 30 March 2022

Current News
