Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory

From Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory
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The Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory (CPSL) at Washington University in St. Louis performs cutting-edge research on real-time systems, wireless sensor networks, wireless health, and integrated systems that cross-cut these areas and other engineering disciplines.


  • [Event] IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS'13) Online Registration Open
  • [Event] Chenyang Lu serving as Area Editor of the new IEEE Internet of Things Journal
  • [Paper] Self-Adapting MAC Layer for Wireless Sensor Networks [RTSS'13]
  • [Grant] Real-Time Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks [NSF NeTS]
  • [Grant] Safety-Feature Modeling and Adaptive Resource Management for Mixed-Criticality Cyber-Physical Systems [NSF CPS]
  • [Grant] Integrated Real-Time Clinical Deterioration Prediction for Hospitalized Patients and Outpatients [NSF SCH]
  • [Grant] Real-Time Scheduling of Parallel Tasks [NSF XPS]
  • [News] Featured in IEEE Spectrum Podcast on Smart Bridges [IEEE Spectrum]
  • [Grant] Theory and Virtualization Platform for Compositional Real-Time Systems [ONR]
  • [News] Green Rehab Project Promotes a More Sustainable University [Press Release]
  • [Talk] Real-Time Wireless Control Networks for Cyber-Physical Systems [SIES'13 Keynote]
  • [Paper] Analysis of Global EDF for Parallel Tasks [ECRTS'13] Outstanding Paper Award
  • [News] Washington Bridge Collapse Could Be a Wake-up Call
  • [News] Matthew Roblez: Structural Engineering Saves Lives
  • [News] Engineering Professor Working to Help Bridges Survive Natural Disaster
  • [Paper] Prioritizing Local Inter-Domain Communication in Xen [IWQoS'13]
  • [Talk] Energy-Efficient Low Power Listening for Wireless Sensor Networks in Noisy Environments [IPSN'13]
  • [Talk] Towards Real-Time Clouds for Cyber-Physical Systems [NSF Cloud Computing for CPS Workshop]
  • [Talk] Introduction to Control Theory and Its Application to Feedback Computing [CPSWeek'13]
  • [Event] Served as General Chair of International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS'13)
  • [Paper] Energy-Efficient Low Power Listening for Wireless Sensor Networks in Noisy Environments [IPSN'13]
  • [Paper] Realistic Case Studies of Wireless Structural Control [ICCPS'13]
  • [Paper] A Real-Time Scheduling Service for Parallel Task[Talk]alk] Real-Time Wireless Control Networks: Challenges and Directions [NITRD Clockwork Workshop]
  • [Paper] Practical Control of Transmission Power for Wireless Sensor Networks [ICNP'12]
  • [Paper] Experiences with an End-To-End Wireless Clinical Monitoring System [WH'12]
  • [Paper] Feedback Thermal Control of Real-time Systems on Multicore Processors [EMSOFT'12]
  • [News] Wireless Clinical Monitoring project featured in a special report in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
  • [News] Wireless Network in Hospital Monitors Vital Signs [Press Release]
  • News Archive