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  • A. Saifullah, D. Ferry, J. Li, K. Agrawal, C. Lu and C. Gill, Parallel Real-Time Scheduling of DAGs, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, accepted.
  • A. Saifullah, Y. Xu, C. Lu and Y. Chen, Distributed Channel Allocation Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, accepted.
  • A. Saifullah, C. Wu, P. Tiwari, Y. Xu, Y. Fu, C. Lu and Y. Chen, Near Optimal Rate Selection for Wireless Control Systems, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Special Issue on Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications, accepted. (Extended version of the RTAS'12 paper.)
  • H.-M. Huang, C. Gill and C. Lu, Implementation and Evaluation of Mixed-Criticality Scheduling Approaches for Sporadic Tasks, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Special Issue on Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications, accepted. (Extended version of the RTAS'12 paper.)
  • G. Hackmann, W. Guo, G. Yan, Z. Sun, C. Lu and S. Dyke, Cyber-Physical Codesign of Distributed Structural Health Monitoring with Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(1): 63-72, January 2014. (Extended version of the ICCPS'10 paper)