Equipment for course projects
From Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory
Revision as of 21:19, 30 January 2017 by Haoran (talk | contribs) (→The following is a list of sensor network equipment available for use in students' course projects.)
The following is a list of sensor network equipment available for use in students' course projects.
The images on this page a, really! not to scale relative to each other.
At a high level the TelosB motes have: IEEE 802.15.4 radio, TI MSP430 uProcessor, Integrated antenna, Integrated USB (no need for a programming board).
Sensors: Temperature, light, and humidity.
Quantity: 41
The Tmote Sky and TelosB are functionally equivalent. Any hardware or software information about the TelosB motes also applies to the Tmote Sky.
LeJOS firmware:File:Lego.pdf
Quantity: 2
Other Available Equipment
Quantity: 13
(Linux firmware/hardware hacking information)
- Protoboards (Breadboards)
Quantity: 6
- Wall plug to USB adapter
Quantity: 29
- Particle sensor
Quantity: 1
- Motion sensor
Works by PIR (Passive InfraRed) Desc.
Quantity: 16
- Power meter
Quantity: 1
- AC Zone dampers
Quantity: 1
- Programmable AC vent
Quantity: 7