Seminar Fall 2016

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---September 1 2016 ---

Seminar - Chao

Kurtin, Philip S., Joost PHM Hausmans, and Marco JG Bekooij. "Combining offsets with precedence constraints to improve temporal analysis of cyclic real-time streaming applications." 2016 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS). IEEE, 2016. Link

Lab Meeting - Cancelled

---September 8 2016 ---

Seminar - Yehan

Demirel, Burak, et al. "Modular design of jointly optimal controllers and forwarding policies for wireless control." IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59.12 (2014): 3252-3265.

Lab Meeting - Dee

---September 15 2016 ---

Seminar - Chong

Cloud Control with Distributed Rate Limiting, UCSD, SIGCOMM'07 link

Lab Meeting - Haoran

---September 22 2016 ---

Seminar - Dee

Decentralized Traffic Aware Scheduling in 6TiSCH Networks: Design and Experimental Evaluation, IEEE IoT, Dec 2015

Lab Meeting - Canceled

---September 29 2016 ---

Seminar - Jing

Proposal practice.

Lab Meeting - Xin

---October 6 2016 ---

Seminar - Canceled

Lab Meeting - Yehan

---October 13 2016 ---


---October 20 2016 ---

Seminar - Lav

Functions Virtualization with Soft Real-Time Guarantees, INFOCOM, 2016 paper

Lab Meeting - Yehan

---October 27 2016 ---

Seminar - Haoran

Apollo: Scalable and Coordinated Scheduling for Cloud-Scale Computing, (OSDI'14) Eric Boutin, Jaliya Ekanayake, Wei Lin, Bing Shi, and Jingren Zhou, Microsoft; Zhengping Qian, Ming Wu, and Lidong Zhou, Microsoft Research paper

Lab Meeting - Chao

---November 3 2016 ---

Seminar - Xin

Lab Meeting - Haoran

---November 10 2016 ---

Seminar - Chao

Jacob, Romain, et al. "End-to-end Real-time Guarantees in Wireless Cyber-physical Systems." RTSS'16 paper

Lab Meeting - Chong

---November 17 2016 ---

Seminar - Yehan

Lješnjanin, Merid, Daniel E. Quevedo, and Dragan Nešić. "Packetized MPC with dynamic scheduling constraints and bounded packet dropouts." Automatica 50.3 (2014): 784-797. paper

Lab Meeting - Jing

---December 1 2016 ---

Seminar - Chong

"Maglev: A Fast and Reliable Software Network Load Balancer" NSDI'16 paper

Lab Meeting - Dee

---December 8 2016 ---

Seminar - Haoran

Using EDF scheduler for Network Service in Container on IoT Devices (From CSE522S Final Project Presentation) 2016 Fall

Lab Meeting - Chao