Seminar Summer 2016

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---May 19 2016 ---

Seminar - Chao

Grosvenor, Matthew P., et al. "Queues don’t matter when you can JUMP them!.", NSDI'15. PDF

Lab Meeting - Yehan

---May 26 2016 ---

Seminar - Dee

Node or Link? Fine-Grained Analysis of Packet-Loss Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), May 2016.

Lab Meeting - Jing

---June 2 2016 ---

Seminar - Chong

Lab Meeting - Haoran

---June 23 2016 ---

Seminar - Yehan

Teixeira, André, et al. "A secure control framework for resource-limited adversaries." Automatica 51 (2015)

Lab Meeting - Chao

---June 30 2016 ---

Seminar - Jing

Yang, Maolin, Alexander Wieder, and Björn B. Brandenburg. "Global real-time semaphore protocols: A survey, unified analysis, and comparison." Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2015.

Lab Meeting - Chong

---July 7 2016 ---

Seminar - Haoran

A Real-Time Scratchpad-centric OS for Multi-core Embedded Systems (RTAS'16) Presentation Rohan Tabish, Renato Mancuso, Saud Wasly, Ahmed Alhammad, Sujit S. Phatak, Rodolfo Pellizzoni and Marco Caccamo paper

Lab Meeting - Dee

---July 14 2016 ---

Seminar - Chao

Q. Perret, P. Maurere, E. Noulard, C. Pagetti, P. Sainrat and B. Triquet, "Temporal Isolation of Hard Real-Time Applications on Many-Core Processors," 2016 IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Vienna, 2016, pp. 1-11. pdf

Lab Meeting - Yehan

---July 21 2016 ---

Seminar - Dee

Oppcast: Exploiting Spatial and Channel Diversity for Robust Data Collection in Urban Environments, IPSN'16 Paper

Lab Meeting - Jing

---July 28 2016 ---

Seminar - Yehan

Konstantinos Gatsis, Alejandro Ribeiro, and George J. Pappas. "Control-Aware Random Access Communication." ICCPS16

Lab Meeting - Haoran

---August 4 2016 ---

Seminar - Jing


Lab Meeting - Chao

---August 11 2016 ---

Seminar - Jing

Lee, Jaewoo, et al. "Mc-fluid: Fluid model-based mixed-criticality scheduling on multiprocessors." Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2014

Lab Meeting - Dee

---August 18 2016 ---

Seminar - Chong

Retro: Targeted Resource Management in Multi-tenant Distributed Systems, NSDI'15 Paper

Lab Meeting - Yehan

---August 25 2016 ---

Seminar - Haoran

Lab Meeting - Chong