Seminar Spring 2021

From Cyber-Physical Systems Laboratory
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  • Instructor: Prof. Chenyang Lu
  • Semester: Spring 2021
  • Time: Thursday at 4pm-4:50pm
  • Location: Virtual

---ML for Health ---

  • NeurIPS ([1])
  • ICML ([2])
  • AAAI ([3])
  • SIGKDD ([4])
  • IJCAI ([5])
  • IMWUT ([6])
  • Digital Medicine ([7])
  • HEALTH ([8])
  • Lancet Digital Health ([9])

---Cyber Physical Systems ---

Presentation Schedule

Feb 04


Mattei, Pierre-Alexandre, and Jes Frellsen. "MIWAE: Deep generative modelling and imputation of incomplete data sets." International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2019.[21]

Wang, Yuhao, et al. "Causal discovery from incomplete data: a deep learning approach." arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.05343 (2020).[22]

Feb 11


Luyang Liu, Hongyu Li, and Marco Gruteser. 2019. Edge Assisted Real-time Object Detection for Mobile Augmented Reality. The 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 25, 1–16. [23]

Feb 18


Daniş, F. Serhan, and Ali Taylan Cemgil. "Model-based localization and tracking using bluetooth low-energy beacons." Sensors 17.11 (2017): 2484. [24]

Feb 25


Nguyen Tuan A , Jeong Hyewon, Yang Eunho , Hwang Sung Ju. Clinical Risk Prediction with Temporal Probabilistic Asymmetric Multi-Task Learning. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. 2021 [25]

Mar 04


Maximilian Ilse, Jakub M. Tomczak, and Max Welling, Attention-based Deep Multiple Instance Learning, ICML 2018.

Mar 11


He, Yong, et al. "Attention and Memory-Augmented Networks for Dual-View Sequential Learning." Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. 2020.

Mar 18


Xiao Zhang, Dejing Dou, and Ji Wu, Learning Conceptual-Contextual Embeddings for Medical Text, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20), 2020.

Mar 25


Mate, Aditya, et al. "Collapsing Bandits and Their Application to Public Health Intervention." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (2020).

Apr 01


J. Luo, et al. HiTANet: Hierarchical Time-Aware Attention Networks for Risk Prediction on Electronic Health Records. KDD'20.

Apr 08

Ruixuan Harutyunyan, Hrayr, et al. "Multitask learning and benchmarking with clinical time series data." Scientific data 6.1 (2019): 1-18.[26]

Apr 15


Bica, Ioana, Ahmed Alaa, and Mihaela Van Der Schaar. "Time series deconfounder: Estimating treatment effects over time in the presence of hidden confounders." International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2020. [27]

Apr 22


Deep Compressive Offloading: Speeding Up Neural Network Inference by Trading Edge Computation for Network Latency

Apr 29


Chen, Ricky TQ, et al. "Isolating sources of disentanglement in variational autoencoders." arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.04942 (2018). [28]

Kingma, Diederik P., and Max Welling. "An introduction to variational autoencoders." arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.02691 (2019). [29]

Sorrenson, Peter, Carsten Rother, and Ullrich Köthe. "Disentanglement by nonlinear ica with general incompressible-flow networks (gin)." arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.04872 (2020) [30]

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